Lake Godstone ™

Lake Godstone | Lodge | Cabins | Camping

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Lake Godstone ™

Lake Godstone | Lodge | Cabins | Camping

Doc Holiday was a legend of his time, and Jacksboro, Texas was home for a time.

Fleeing Dallas with a posse behind him, Holliday headed to Jacksboro, Texas, a wild and lawless cowtown near an army post. Doc found a job dealing Faro, carrying a gun in a shoulder holster and another on his hip, along with the knife. Having become an expert shot, he was involved in three more gunfights in a short time. Though he left one man dead in these gunfights, no action was taken against him in the lawless cowtown.

However, in the summer of 1876, disagreement again led to violence, resulting in Doc’s killing a soldier from Fort Richardson, which brought the United States Government into the investigation. A reward was offered for his capture, and he was aggressively pursued by the Army, Texas Rangers, U.S. Marshals, local lawmen, and simple citizens anxious to collect the bounty.

Learn more about Doc Holiday.

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